Travel and diving in Grand Exuma, Bahamas with updated Covid 19 protocols & best dive sites

 The Bahamas are open for international travelers, but you have to stay on the property (where you booked your accommodations) until day 5, on that they you will be submitted to a Covid 19 rapid antigen test, once you get a negative result on that test you can move around beyond your accommodations. Read about all the protocols and restrictions for the Caribbean.  The GOOD news for us divers is that if you stay at one of the Sandal resorts you can start diving from day 1 since they leave from the property with their own boats.

When staying in Grand Exuma you'll have 17 dive sites available.

When staying at Sandals as a certified diver the diving is included in the AI package, 2 tanks per person per day and all equipment and boat transport are included (No diving on day of arrival and departure).

Sandals uses twin diesel Newton dive boats, with a 16 foot dive platform, fresh water shower, tank holders,...

Some of the best sites in Grand Exuma;

The Tug wreck dive

This 65 ft long tug boat was sunk in 2005 to create an artificial reef, it lies at 69 ft. The boat is encrusted in sponges and corals. It is now the home to several Nassau Groupers. Parrot fish, Blue Chromis, French Grunts, Spotted Drums and Barracudas are part of the scenery.

Elizabeth reef

This 15 to 30 ft shallow reef is a healthy fish nursery, with nice coral formations. Often schools of Eagle rays can be spotted here.

Dog 'n pup reef

Plenty of corals cover this 33 ft shallow reef, Large schools of Snapper and French grunts live here along with Queen Angel fish, Porcupine Puffer fish and large Groupers. When lucky you'll spot the occasional Sea Turtle.

Buck wall

In average about 80 ft deep, offers tube sponges, fan corals and blue vase sponges that are the home to Jacks, Snappers, Groupers and a variety of other tropical fish

Angel fish blue hole

This 92 ft deep site got didn't steal it's name, plenty of Angel fish share this blue hole with Horse-eye Jacks and large Blue Parrot fish. Often Turtles and Eagle Rays, that live in the bay will pass by while diving. At the bottom is a chamber that you can swim trough.

These are some of the 32 dive sites that are offered when staying at the Sandals Emerald Bay


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