Diving Barbados (9 must see dive spots)


Barbados is the most Easterly island of the Windward Islands.

It has a population of 287,000 people and covers 167 square miles.

Bridgetown is the capital.

When to dive Barbados

The best time to visit Barbados is from February to April, since they are the months with the least chance of rain. December and January are a bit wetter, In May it starts to get warmer and more chance of rain. June to November is hurricane season, with the highest chance of being affected from August to October. Barbados gets usually affected by Tropical depressions instead of full blown Hurricanes.

Average temperatures:

Min (°C)212121222324232323232322
Max (°C)282930303131303130303029
Min (°F)707070727375737373737372
Max (°F)828486868888868886868684

Average precipitation:


Average water temperatures:

Temp (°C)272626272828282829282828
Temp (°F)817979818282828284828282

Barbados offers over 200 wrecks, Barracudas, Turtles and Sharks are part of the attraction of diving here.

You can find about a dozen dive centers in Barbados, both PADI and SSi are available.

Barbados wreck diving:

SS Stavronikita

This 365 ft Greek freighter caught fire in 1976 and was towed to Barbados, she was bought at an auction by the Parks and Marine Commission. 

She was sunk in 1978 after being cleaned of pollutants only 400 yards offshore.

She lies between 29 and 114 ft and is covered in large Gorgonian fans and Corals, Turtles and Barracudas made the Stavronika their residence.

Bajan Queen

In the 1960 this became Barbados' first tugboat, about a decade later it was converted into a party boat. Eventually the Bajan Queen was donated to the Coastal Zone Management Unit, cleaned and sunk in 2002. She lies in 40 ft of water and is accumulating a nice diversity of corals. Anemones, Shrimp, Bristle Worms and Glassy Sweepers call her their home.

Berwyn wreck

This World War 1, French tug boat was sunk in 1919 by it's own crew. 

The Berwyn lies only 100 yards from the shore in very shallow water (10 to 25 ft), and is a site for all level divers.

Healthy Hard and Soft Corals grow on the wreck, Moray Eels, Sergeant Majors, Squirrel fish, Rock Hind, Small mouth Grunt and Golden Tails can be observed here.

Pamir wreck

This wreck on the West coast of Barbados was purposefully sunk in 1983 and the maximum depth is 63 ft. It is well preserved and easily penetrated. 

As a bonus you can visit a small, yellow Atlantis submarine just of the bow on the port side. Snake Eels and plenty of tropical fish made this their home.

Barbados reef diving:

Cement plant pier

Located in the Northwest corner of Barbados this large pier and the remnants of an old cement plant are covered in Corals and home to Frog fish, Lobster, Long snout Seahorses and Scorpion fish. This shallow dive spot is one of the most popular in Barbados.


This 70 to 80 ft dive is a very popular spot for photographers, it is located on the West coast.

Tube and Barrel sponges & Soft Corals are the ideal home for the small critters, and schooling tropical fish. Barracudas, Turtles and Parrotfish are always present at Johnsons.

Great Ledge

This 55 to 80 ft deep reef is covered in beautiful Coral formations, Sponges and plant life.

Atlantic Spade fish, Spotted Eels, Lizard fish and Scrawled File fish, Jacks, French Angels call the Great Ledge their home.

Barracuda Junction

This drift dive, at the West coast of Barbados,  is usually done between 60 and 85 ft, the sloping reef reaches a maximum depth of 150 ft though.

Since this reef is the home to plenty of fish, the Barracudas come here to hunt. The reef is covered in beautiful Coral and Sponge formations. Aside from the Barracudas you'll see Baitfish, Blue Chromis& Parrot fish.


This 40 to 60 ft reef on the West coast is a popular day, and night dive spot.

The North side of the reef is a mix of Corals and sandy patches, while the South side is in bright Corals and Sponges.

Stingrays, Turtles, Creole Wrasse and Grunts are to be observed at this spot.

Read about diving in:


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