Bahamas diving (10 must see dive sites)


The Bahamas consist of over 700 Islands, Cays and Islets.

The whole area covers 180.000 square miles and counts with a population of about 332.000.

The capital is Nassau.

When to dive the Bahamas:

The dry season runs from late November to mid-April, but you have to bear in mind that the temperatures during winter on the north-western islands are not high enough to a beach day. On the southern most islands the winter is warm enough to enjoy the beach.

Hurricane season is from June to November with , August and September as highest risk months to be affected by tropical storms and hurricanes.

Average temperatures Nassau

Min (°C)171718192123242424222118
Max (°C)262627283031323232302826
Min (°F)636364667073757575727064
Max (°F)797981828688909090868279

Average precipitation Nassau


Average temperatures Freeport

Min (°C)161618192123242423211917
Max (°C)242426273031323232302725
Min (°F)616164667073757573706663
Max (°F)757579818688909090868177

Average precipitation Freeport


Average water temperature Nassau

Temp (°C)252424252628292929282726
Temp (°F)777575777982848484828179

Bahamas scuba diving includes Blue holes, Healthy Coral reefs, Wrecks and some of the best Shark encounters.

PADI, SSI, NAUI and CMAS dive centers can be found on the Bahamas.

Bahamas dive sites;

Dean's Blue Hole

Dean's Blue Hole is located on Long Island and is named after the local landowners.

This is the worlds second deepest Blue hole with a depth of 663 ft.

The Arch, a submerged tunnel within the Blue Hole is an extreme dive that has caused fatalities.

Snapper, Dolphins, Sharks, Rays, Turtles, Seahorses and many other species can be observed at this dive site.

Tiger beach Grand Bahama

This site, which was only discovered in the 1980's, offers one of the best shark encounters. Beside the resident Tiger Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Lemon Sharks and Caribbean Reef sharks usually join the feeding frenzy. Between October and January, the breeding months for Tiger sharks, you'll get to see the highest number of Tiger Sharks.

Mt Olympus Grand Bahama

This site is recommended for experienced divers only, this 60 - 140 ft (the coral ridge reaches 1500 ft) dive site is home to Eagle- and Manta Rays, Nassau Groupers, Tiger Sharks, Nurse Sharks, Hammerheads, Dolphins,  and Leather Back sea turtles. 

Sea Anemones, Huge Coral Bushes, Barrel Sponges and Gorgonians cover the reef and provide a home for Eels, Seahorses, Shrimp, Trumpet fish, Starfish, Parrotfish, and many more species.                                               

From Jan to May you might also see Pilot Whales, Humpbacks & Sperm Whales.

Theo's wreck Grand Bahama

This 220 ft long wreck is located about 1.5 miles from the coast and was sunk in 1982 and lies at 101 ft. The engine room and cargo holds can be penetrated at various points. Schools of Grunts,Snappers, & Jacks join the Parrot fish. Spotted Dolphins, Sea Turtles and Reef Sharks visit the wreck regularly.

HMS Conqueror Long Island

This historic ship sunk in 1848, it is an easy dive for all levels. It is virtually unrecognizable but you can see an engine, cannon balls, a propeller shaft, and cannons in the rubble pile on the ocean floor.

It lies in 30 ft of water and is preserved as an underwater museum of the Bahamas.

MV Comerbach Long Island

This 102 ft English Freighter was sunk in 1986 and sits upright in 100 ft of water, it is overgrown with beautiful sponges and corals and it is the home to Black tip Reef Sharks. In the open cargo hold sits a 1975 Ford van.

Current Cut, Eleuthera & Harbour Island

With depths up to 60 ft and currents up to 10 knots this 0.62 miles long drift dive in a narrow channel  is a real thrill. Nurse Sharks, Turtles, Blacktip Reef Sharks, Stingrays, Spotted Eagle rays and even Bull Sharks are often to be seen in the Current Cut. 

This drift dive only lasts about 10 minutes but is usually  done 3 times on the trip.

Over the wall Andros Island

This is a great wall dive on the edge of The Tongue of the Ocean (6000 ft).

The coral formations are amazing, and the Tongue of the Ocean can even turn up some Pilot- and Humpback Whales.

This wall dive is also an attraction as a night dive, the high concentration of marine plankton particles produce a special light show when divers turn off their torches.

Victory reef Bimini

This dive site with depths from 30 to about 80 ft, Victory reef is ideal for beginners and more advanced divers.

 Plenty of reef fish, Green Turtles, Sharks and rays live in the caverns, fantastic reef structures and swim- throughs.

Jeep Reef Exuma

With a maximum depth of 30 ft, this artificial reef features a Jeep that is fully covered with corals, and suits all levels of divers.

Barracuda, Puffer fish, Blue tang, Red Lion fish & Needle fish Consider this their home.

 Read about diving in:


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