Diving Saint Kitts and Nevis


Two volcanic islands in the Leeward Islands.

They cover 102 square miles and have a population of about 53.000.

Basse Terre is the capital.

Best time to dive Saint Kitts and Nevis

December to April is the best time, with February to April being the driest.

Chances of being affected by tropical storms or hurricanes is the greatest from August to October.

Average temperatures

Min (°C)22222323242525252525242323.8
Max (°C)28282929303131313131302929.8
Min (°F)72727373757777777777757374.9
Max (°F)82828484868888888888868485.7

Average precipitation


Average water temperatures

Temp (°C)262626272728282829292827
Temp (°F)797979818182828284848281

You'll find 6 PADI dive shops in Sait Kitts, CMAS, SSI and NAUI are also available.

Saint Kitts and Nevis dive sites;

Black Coral reef

Black Corals grow on this 80 ft mini-wall,

Grunt, Creole Wrasse, Snapper, Lizard fish populate this very healthy coral reef.

Coconut Tree reef

The depth at this reef ranges between 40 to 80 ft.

Grunts, Groupers, Spotted Moray, Rays, Lobster, wrasse and Barracudas are abundant at this healthy coral reef, and if you're lucky you might even see turtles.

MV Corinthian

This Tug boat wreck lies at 65 ft depth on a sandy bottom, next to a reef with a max depth of 40 ft.

The wreck is overgrown with Black Corals, many reef fish swim in & around the wreck.

Paradise reef

With a maximum depth of 140 ft, this reef with a mini-wall is for advanced divers.

Great Barracudas, Turtles, Angelfish, Lobster, and Pike Blennies swim around the Anchors that lie on the Ocean floor.

River Taw

This 144 ft freighter sunk during a hurricane in 1981, it was broken in 2 by hurricane Hugo in 1989.

It lies at 50 ft depth, and is encrusted in corals & sponges.Angelfish, Yellow tail Snappers, Seahorses & Glass-eyed Snappers made this wreck their home.

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