Underwater sculpture park Grenada (Molinere Bay)
The Molinere Underwater Sculpture Park in the Caribbean Sea, is located of the west coast of Grenada, and can be reached easily by a 10 minute boat ride out of St Georges. The sculptures are created by the British sculptor Jason deClaires Taylor and are forming a artificial reef in the Molinere Bay. The underwater sculpture park covers about 800 square meters (8611 square ft) and consists of 75 individual sculptures that form solo and group formations all together about 15 tons of dry cement was used. The maximum depth is about 40 ft (12 meters). In May 2006 the park was declared open. Taylor's idea was not only to reflect Grenada's history and culture, but also to aid the reefs after this area got bashed by hurricanes Ivan and Emely in 2004 and 2005. The sculptures are designed to stimulate coral growth and are placed up current so that when the corals spawn the polyps have something to attach them self to. Already the results can be seen, and the sculptures are the home a var...