Scuba diving Grenada (6 top dive sites)


Most Southerly Islands of the Windward Islands.

It covers about 135 square miles and has a population of 113,000.

The capital is St George's

Best time to dive Grenada:

February to April is the driest time of the year, usually January is ok as well.

Since Grenada is so far to the south, they don't get affected a lot by hurricanes and tropical storms, but it does happen once in a while, August to October are the highest risk months.

Average temperatures

Min (°C)22222223242424242424232323.3
Max (°C)30303131313131313131313030.8
Min (°F)72727273757575757575737373.9
Max (°F)86868888888888888888888687.4

Average precipitation


Average water temperatures

Temp (°C)272727272828282829292827
Temp (°F)818181818282828284848281

Grenada dive sites;

Happy Valley (Marine Protected Area);

Wall dive that starts at 20 ft and reaches about 90 ft, covered in Elkhorn Coral, Black Coral, Ball-, Rope, and Barrel Sponges. 

Yellow Tail Snapper, Large Groupers, Turtles, Sharks & Barracudas can be observed here.

Wibbles Reef;

Fast-paced drift dive, with a depth from 49 to 85 ft. Horse Eye Jacks, Barracuda and Eagle Rays cruise along, keep an eye out for the Hawksbill Turtles that are camouflaged by the reef.

Bianca C wreck;

600 ft cruise liner that sank in 1961, with a depth of 115 - 164 ft this is a dive for Advanced divers.

Moray Eels, Atlantic Spade fish, Eagle Rays, Nurse Sharks and Barracuda are to be seen here.

MV Veronica;

This 85 ft long Cargo ship lies between 45 and 60 ft depth. Fully covered in soft corals and sponges. Golden Tail Moray Eels, Sea Horses, Frogfish, Green- and Spotted Morays made the MV Veronica their home.

Underwater Sculpture Park;

At 13 to 26 ft depth these sculptures tell the rich and colorful history of Grenada.

They are based on the original sculptures of Jason de Caires Taylor.

Dragon Bay;

With depth of 25 - 80 ft maximum, this is a sheltered bay in the Marine Protected Area.

Hard Corals & Sponges are the home for Octopus, Damsel fish, Surgeon- and Angelfish.


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